Our monthly meetings are usually held on the first Monday of every month and feature speakers about subjects of local interest. They are normally held at the Leona Valley Community Building at 5 pm and start with potluck snacks. Occasionally we hold meetings at our member's homes. The public is invited to attend and learn more about Antelope Valley history.
We are always looking for new speakers who can tell us about their experiences and memories of growing up in Antelope Valley. Use the Contact page to let us know that you are interested in speaking at a meeting. Speakers get a one year membership in appreciation of their sharing with us.
The public is always invited to become members and join us and enjoy our speakers along with meeting other people interested in local history.
We host fundraisers to help us fund our ongoing projects of historical preservation and meet our goal of preserving local history. Every year we have a Deep Pit BBQ fundraiser during the summer months to continue an early tradition begun in Leona Valley in the 1950s for the purpose of celebrating and honoring early Antelope Valley pioneers. We also have occasional field trips to interesting local historical sites such as Shea's Castle and Edwards Air Force Base. We have display and sale tables at various local events, including the Old Timer's BBQ at the Fairgrounds.
Join our Society and receive our monthly newsletter with notifications of our meetings and events.
Fill out the membership form and bring it to a meeting with your payment or mail it in.
DownloadUse this button to pay your membership dues or make a donation. You do not need a Paypal account. You can use any of the listed credit cards. Your support and contributions enable us to meet our goals and preserve our history. Your generous donation will help restore our 1915 one room Schoolhouse.