Your gateway to enjoying Antelope Valley's fascinating history, from cowboys to aerospace.
Your gateway to enjoying Antelope Valley's fascinating history, from cowboys to aerospace.
The West Antelope Valley Historical Society was formed in 1959 in Lake Hughes and incorporated in 1963 as a nonprofit corporation. Our purpose is to record, preserve and disseminate to the public the history of Antelope Valley. We do this through meetings, a monthly newsletter and other publications. Our top priority at present is to convert the 1915 Leona Valley Schoolhouse into a museum so that we can more effectively achieve our purpose. The Schoolhouse has been designated a California Point of Historical Interest. The Society is a non-profit Corporation with no paid employees. Money to operate the Society comes from membership fees, sales (books, caps, cups, T-shirts, stationery) and from tax deductible DONATIONS.
We are selling this new book written by a granddaughter of Frederich Godde, who was an early pioneer of Quartz Hill and Leona Valley. It is an excellent depiction of early Antelope Valley history. Frederich's background is presented through the use of photos and documents in a folk art style. It makes it easy to imagine life in the early part of the last century, with both hardships and joys.
The book describes the process of planting, raising and harvesting almonds. It concludes with all of Frederich's accomplishments, including his donation of the land on which our 1915 Leona Valley Schoolhouse was built. He probably also helped with the construction. He understood the importance of early education. His granddaughter, Mary Kaye, also supports education and has generously agreed to donate part of the proceeds from the book to the restoration of the Schoolhouse.
You can support our project by using the Paypal button below to purchase these books for $27 each. This includes tax and shipping. The author will also be at our December 6 meeting to sign her books.
We are dedicated to preserving and teaching the history of West Antelope Valley. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.
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